Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Links--Mayan Apocalypse Edition

A new batch of links to help you with your authorial and editorial goals, plans and thinky thoughts about writing, editing, and the Mayan Apocalypse.

Publishing Perspectives--US Bookseller Experiments With Online Handselling. An interesting new business model.

Children's Publishing--A Writer's Preflight Checklist. Great questions to ask about your story before you send it out the door.

Terrible Minds--25 Things Writers Should Stop Doing. Bad language, good advice. (You realize I only put the bad language warnings in for my mom, right?

Writer Beware--Guest Post--How Deliberate Practice can Make You an Excellent Writer.

Jane Friedman--7 Ways Meditation Increases Creativity.

Write it Forward--Goal Setting for Writers for 2012. No mention of preparation for the Mayan Apocalypse.

Jody Hedlund--What Will Writers Need in 2012 to Survive and Succeed? No mention of preparation for the Mayan Apocalypse.

Illustrating You--Creating Your Masterpiece in 2012. STILL no mention of preparation for the Mayan Apocalypse, wtf?

Gigaom--Why 2012 Will be Year of the Artist Entrepreneur. And apparently NOT the year of the Mayan apocalypse. Also I thought it was the Year of the Dragon.

Passive Income Author--The Uncommon Truth About Marketing Your Books. Apparently making stupid jokes about the Mayan Apocalypse is not an approved method.

(And just to clarify the whole Mayan Apocalypse thing: What You Should Know About 2012, from Psychology Today.)