I can’t believe it’s a new year already. It seems like they
go faster and faster.
Last year was a pretty good year, and I hope that trend
continues. I’m trying some new things for the new year, and I hope you’ll join
me for the fun.
Mostly for this year, I want to focus on finishing things I
left unfinished. Partial manuscripts will get evaluated, and if I still feel
they’re worth the effort, I’ll finish them up and look into distributing or
submitting them.
I’ve also set up a Patreon page to help get some of these
orphan stories to readers who’ll hopefully enjoy them. If you’re not familiar
with Patreon, it’s a little like Kickstarter, except it’s for ongoing projects
rather than one big project. There are rewards at different levels, and lots of
fun stuff I’m planning to integrate into the project as it progresses. Check it
out at patreon.com/katrienaknights.
If you’re not on my newsletter mailing list, please consider
joining for updates and news. I’m also getting ready to add a special gift for
anyone who joins—a .pdf file of a couple of short stories and some excerpts from
other, longer works. If you join before I get the gift ready, you'll get it as soon as I get it all sorted, so don't worry about missing out. You can join using the form below. I
promise not to spam you—I’m hoping this year to get something out in the
newsletter about once a month.
I hope you had a fantastic 2015, and I hope 2016 brings you even
more great things.